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Cinema listings: no search hits

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Movie archive


Beloved | USA 1999 | Drama, Literary Film Adaptations | Jonathan Demme | 16


USA 1993 | Drama | Jonathan Demme | 12

Ricki and the Flash

Ricki and the Flash | USA 2015 | Drama, Comedy, Music Films | Jonathan Demme | oA

Ricki broke through as a musician a long time ago. However, she had to sacrifice her family in order to do that. Now, with her career on its last legs, she goes back to her family after being away for a very long time.

The Silence of the Lambs

The Silence of the Lambs | USA 1990 | Thriller, Literary Film Adaptations | Jonathan Demme | 16

Stop Making Sense

Stop Making Sense | USA 1984 | Concert Film, Music Films | Jonathan Demme | oA

The cult concert classic by Jonathan Demme is back.

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