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It's Epic!

A new film series in Cosima Filmtheater will screen epic films in the original version with German subtitles once a month. On 14.4 there will be screening of the zionist classic EXODUS (1960) by Otto Preminger with Paul Newman in the main role as Ari Ben Canaan. On May 12th, they will screen Bernardo Bertolucci’s THE LAST EMPEROR (1987) which received nine Oscars (including all of the important ones). It doesn’t get more epic than this in the cinema.

Sundays at 11:00 AM

It's Epic!

Sundays at 11am
Date: 14.04.2024 to 12.05.2024
Time: 11:00
Language: English with German subtitles
Location: Cosima

Sieglindestr. 10, 12159 Berlin
Phone: 030/6670 2828